Capture Your Grief - Day 19. Grief Rituals
Happy 4 months Chipilina amada! I spent the first few hours of the day frozen in bed reliving the awesomeness of our time together just 4 months ago. It feels like it was yesterday but at the same time it feels like it was 4 thousand years ago... But I digress from today's subject: Grief rituals.
I am very lucky that I got this topic on the 19th of the month because that's when I do the only "ritual" that I'm planning to do for as long as I live: Bench flowers. What exactly is this? Well, every 17th of the month (I started in August) I buy a small bunch of yellow flowers and bring them home. There I give them love, food and attention and I generally just try and fill them with positive thoughts and the best vibes and energy. Then on the 19th, I cut a bit of the stems and out them in a pretty bunch and tie them with some of Olivia's yellow ribbon; attached to that is a message. I then proceed to spend some time on the bench, talking to the air or maybe "picnicking" and then I leave the flowers there and leave. The idea behind my initiative is that I hope that someone walks by, sees the flowers, reads the quote and smiles... If Olivia can make ONE person smile that day, then I did my job. The mega best case scenario? They take them home and their lives can be filled with some yellow happiness as well. Just so you know, I've walked past three hours after and they have been gone each time, so YAY.
I'm sure I'll create yearly rituals for every 19th of June that will involve candles and cake to celebrate Olivia's birthday, but for now all I have is the Bench flowers and that really makes my heart smile.
The biggest bunch were today and Olivia's Tía BL got those for her - The quote is specially dedicated to my Awesome Mums, and to any other mother missing their child.